Of course, that was really before knowing that it was unfinished. This new open world is one that is begging to be played with, in whatever way a player wishes.” If they’re willing to adapt and accept this new way of exploring Kojima’s world however, they are going to be blown away, absolutely, and one hundred percent guaranteed. 08:49 Uhr Mit einem Launch-Trailer erinnert uns Konami daran, dass mit Metal Gear Solid 5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a stealth game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami Digital Entertainment.

“The Phantom Pain is an unusual Metal Gear experience, one that not everybody may enjoy if they cling to systems of old. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Definitive Edition - Launch-Trailer zum Komplettpaket veröffentlicht. That said, Konami’s transgressions aside, it’s still an amazing game and worth playing, provided you can stomach it not really ending. Also expect the same sense of disappointment as the credits roll and you have no sense of closure whatsoever. There’s no word on what it contains, but I think it’s safe to assume it’ll contain the game, the Ground Zeroes prequel, Metal Gear Online and all of the game and its multiplayer component’s DLC. It’s pegged – probably as placeholder – for release in October. It’s a hope that’s been reignited by the sudden appearance of a Metal Gear Solid 5 Definitive Edition, which popped up on both Amazon Japan and German retailer NetGames (via Eurogamer). That hasn’t stifled the hope of uber fans who really, really believe there’s a third chapter of the game waiting to be unlocked. I thoroughly enjoyed the first chapter of Kojima’s Metal Gear Swansong – but that second chapter was a farce, and the third chapter doesn’t, and likely will never exist. Metal Gear Solid V is still, as far as I’m concerned, an unfinished game.