Lego lord of the rings dlc rom
Lego lord of the rings dlc rom

You can choose to download individual packs, or opt to download everything at once. "_dlc3_\chars\dlcmisc\items\whirlwindaxe_nxg.When you first launch GRID™ Autosport, you will receive a prompt to download the game’s free DLC and HD texture packs. Stuff/status_screen/status_screen.txt music "Status" Added (and Created) by DWhittaker, 15Feb10 - let me know if this should/shouldn't be here !! :)įiletable.txt "_dlc4_\chars\minifigs\faramir\faramirgondorarmour.txt"," 18:24:13" The AccurevStream version number can also be found in GAME.DAT/stuff/version.txt. This is the game version from the Wii release, which was built 6 days before the initial Windows release. SVN_Repository: svn://ukknuwp-svn01:3692/LEGO_LOTR_Data/tags/lordoftherings/TTBuilder/complete/LLOTR-23-10-12-v46m This is the game version from the latest available release through Steam.ĪccurevStream: LLOTR-23-10-12-v46m_Hotfix SVN_Repository: svn://ukknuwp-svn01:3692/LEGO_LOTR_Data/tags/lordoftherings/TTBuilder/complete/LLOTR-19-12-12-STEAM-v2 This is the game version from the initial Windows disc release.ĪccurevStream: LLOTR-19-12-12-STEAM-v2_Hotfix SVN_Repository: svn://ukknuwp-svn01:3692/LEGO_LOTR_Data/tags/lordoftherings/TTBuilder/complete/LLOTR-29-10-12-v47o-PC_SUB_TAG Strings for test levels that aren't in the files of the final game.Ĭommon_dir "Test\HubTest\HubTest1\Common"Ĭommon_dir "Test\HubTest\HubTest2\Common"ĭir "Test\MECHTEST\MechTestCamVolumeCave"Ĭommon_dir "Test\MikeTest\BlacksmithTest\TECH"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\CoopCamVolumes"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\RivendellScaleChange"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\BlockoutTest"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\CamVol_RoundAndUp"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\CamVol_Circular"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\SplitCam_Tunnel"ĭir "Test\TechArt\PaulDTest\SplitVolOnOff"ĭir "Test\TechArt\DaveHBuilderCaradhrasTest"Ĭommon_dir "1_FOTR\1_4Caradhras\1_4CaradhrasA"ĭir "Test\BalinsTombTest\BalinsTombTestx15"ĭir "Test\BalinsTombTest\BalinsTombTestx2"ĭir "Test\Tutorials\CameraVolumes\1Node2Cam"ĪccurevStream: LLOTR-29-10-12-v47o-PC_SUB_TAG_Hotfix Six vertically mirrored number textures used to test split-screen functionality. It'd be a waste of bandwidth to upload them so the filenames are listed here. There are icons in the files that are just black squares.

lego lord of the rings dlc rom

The One Ring isn't a usable item in the game, so the twilight variant of the Witch King goes unused.

Lego lord of the rings dlc rom